Selasa, 02 April 2013

Cheats Dota 2

Daftar Cheats Dota 2

Sebelum memasukan Semua Perintah atau Cheats Dota 2, pada pilihan Main Menu pilih Create Loby lalu Edit Seting dan centang Enable Cheats ... :)

Sekarang mulailah permainan. Sementara dalam permainan, Anda dapat memasukkan Cheats dengan mengetik Perintah ke dalam jendela obrolan (tekan enter).

Berikut adalah daftar Perintah yang tersedia  :

 -lvlup<jumlah level>
Meningkatkan jumlah level Hero anda.

Menghilangkan cooldown skils dan skils item (termasuk musuh anda)

Mengembalikan perintah dari wtf

Spanw neutral creeps




Memberikan penglihatan 

Mengembalikan perintah dari -allvision

Hancurkan semua wards

Respawn Hero anda di Fontain tidak peduli dia mati atau tidak.

Mengembalikan Mana dan HP hero anda.

-Gold<jumlah gold>
Meningkatkan jumlah gold Hero anda.

-item<nama item>
contoh : -item item_blade_mail
Memberikan item pada Hero anda sesuai nama item yang anda ketikan ...

daftar item dan cara ketik :

Nama Item                                                Cara Ketik

Blink dagger                            item_blink
Blades of Attack                        item_blades_of_attack
Broadsword                              item_broadsword
Chainmail                               item_chainmail
Claymore                                item_claymore
Helm of Iron Will                       item_helm_of_iron_will
Javelin                                 item_javelin
Mithril Hammer                          item_mithril_hammer
Platemail                               item_platemail
Quarterstaff                            item_quarterstaff
Quelling Blade                          item_quelling_blade
Ring of Protection                      item_ring_of_protection
Stout Shield                            item_stout_shield
Gauntlets                               item_gauntlets
Slippers                                item_slippers
Mantle                                  item_mantle
Branches                                item_branches
Belt of Strength                        item_belt_of_strength
Boots of Elves                          item_boots_of_elves
Robe                                    item_robe
Circlet                                 item_circlet
Ogre Axe                                item_ogre_axe
Blade of Alacrity                       item_blade_of_alacrity
Staff of Wizardry                       item_staff_of_wizardry
Ultimate Orb                            item_ultimate_orb
Gloves                                  item_gloves
Lifesteal                               item_lifesteal
Ring of Regen                           item_ring_of_regen
Sobi Mask                               item_sobi_mask
Boots                                   item_boots
Gem                                     item_gem
Cloak                                   item_cloak
Talisman of Evasion                     item_talisman_of_evasion
Cheese                                  item_cheese
Magic Stick                             item_magic_stick
Recipe: Magic Wand                      item_recipe_magic_wand
Magic Wand                              item_magic_wand
Ghost                                   item_ghost
Clarity                                 item_clarity
Flask                                   item_flask
Dust                                    item_dust
Bottle                                  item_bottle
Observer Wards                          item_ward_observer
Sentry Ward                             item_ward_sentry
Tango                                   item_tango
Courier                                 item_courier
Teleport Scroll                         item_tpscroll
Recipe: Travel Boots                    item_recipe_travel_boots
Travel Boots                            item_travel_boots
Recipe: Phase Boots                     item_recipe_phase_boots
Phase Boots                             item_phase_boots
Demon Edge                              item_demon_edge
Eagle Horn                              item_eagle
Reaver                                  item_reaver
Sacred Relic                            item_relic
Hyperstone                              item_hyperstone
Ring of Health                          item_ring_of_health
Void Stone                              item_void_stone
Mystic Staff                            item_mystic_staff
Energy Booster                          item_energy_booster
Point Booster                           item_point_booster
Vitality Booster                        item_vitality_booster
Recipe: Power Treads                    item_recipe_power_treads
Power Treads                            item_power_treads
Recipe: Hand of Midas                   item_recipe_hand_of_midas
Hand of Midas                           item_hand_of_midas
Recipe: Oblivion Staff                  item_recipe_oblivion_staff
Oblivion Staff                          item_oblivion_staff
Recipe: Perseverence                    item_recipe_pers
Perseverence                            item_pers
Recipe: Poor Man's Shield               item_recipe_poor_mans_shield
Poor Man's Shield                       item_poor_mans_shield
Recipe: Bracer                          item_recipe_bracer
Bracer                                  item_bracer
Recipe: Wraith Band                     item_recipe_wraith_band
Wraith Band                             item_wraith_band
Recipe: Null Talisman                   item_recipe_null_talisman
Null Talisman                           item_null_talisman
Recipe: Mekasmm                         item_recipe_mekansm
Mekansm                                 item_mekansm
Recipe: Vladimir                        item_recipe_vladmir
Vladimir                                item_vladmir
Flying Courier                          item_flying_courier
Recipe: Buckler                         item_recipe_buckler
Buckler                                 item_buckler
Recipe: Ring of Basilius                item_recipe_ring_of_basilius
Ring of Basilius                        item_ring_of_basilius
Recipe: Pipe                            item_recipe_pipe
Pipe                                    item_pipe
Recipe: Urn of Shadows                  item_recipe_urn_of_shadows
Urn of Shadows                          item_urn_of_shadows
Recipe: Headdress                       item_recipe_headdress
Headdress                               item_headdress
Recipe: Sheepstick                      item_recipe_sheepstick
Sheepstick                              item_sheepstick
Recipe: Orchid                          item_recipe_orchid
Orchid                                  item_orchid
Recipe: Cyclone                         item_recipe_cyclone
Cyclone                                 item_cyclone
Recipe: Force Staff                     item_recipe_force_staff
Force Staff                             item_force_staff
Recipe: Dagon                           item_recipe_dagon
Dagon                                   item_dagon
Recipe: Necronomicon                    item_recipe_necronomicon
Necronomicon                            item_necronomicon
Recipe: Scepter                         item_recipe_ultimate_scepter
Scepter                                 item_ultimate_scepter
Recipe: Refresher                       item_recipe_refresher
Refresher                               item_refresher
Recipe: Assault Cuirass                 item_recipe_assault
Assault Cuirass                         item_assault
Recipe: Heart                           item_recipe_heart
Heart                                   item_heart
Recipe: Black King Bar                  item_recipe_black_king_bar
Black King Bar                          item_black_king_bar
Aegis of Immortality                    item_aegis
Recipe: Shiva's  Guard                  item_recipe_shivas_guard
Shiva's                                 item_shivas_guard
Recipe: Bloodstone                      item_recipe_bloodstone
Bloodstone                              item_bloodstone
Recipe: Sphere                          item_recipe_sphere
Sphere                                  item_sphere
Recipe: Vanguard                        item_recipe_vanguard
Vanguard                                item_vanguard
Recipe: Blade Mail                      item_recipe_blade_mail
Blade Mail                              item_blade_mail
Recipe: Soul Booster                    item_recipe_soul_booster
Soul Booster                            item_soul_booster
Recipe: Hood of Defiance                item_recipe_hood_of_defiance
Hood of Defiance                        item_hood_of_defiance
Recipe: Rapier                          item_recipe_rapier
Rapier                                  item_rapier
Recipe: Monkey King Bar                 item_recipe_monkey_king_bar
Monkey King Bar                         item_monkey_king_bar
Recipe: Radiance                        item_recipe_radiance
Radiance                                item_radiance
Recipe: Butterfly                       item_recipe_butterfly
Butterfly                               item_butterfly
Recipe: Greater Crit                    item_recipe_greater_crit
Greater Crit                            item_greater_crit
Recipe: Basher                          item_recipe_basher
Basher                                  item_basher
Recipe: Battlefury                      item_recipe_bfury
Battlefury                              item_bfury
Recipe: Manta                           item_recipe_manta
Manta                                   item_manta
Recipe: Lesser Crit                     item_recipe_lesser_crit
Lesser Crit                             item_lesser_crit
Recipe: Armlet                          item_recipe_armlet
Armlet                                  item_armlet
Recipe: Invisibility Sword              item_recipe_invis_sword
Invisibility Sword                      item_invis_sword
Recipe: Sange and Yasha                 item_recipe_sange_and_yasha
Sange and Yasha                         item_sange_and_yasha
Recipe: Satanic                         item_recipe_satanic
Satanic                                 item_satanic
Recipe: Mjollnir                        item_recipe_mjollnir
Mjollnir                                item_mjollnir
Recipe: Skadi                           item_recipe_skadi
Skadi                                   item_skadi
Recipe: Sange                           item_recipe_sange
Sange                                   item_sange
Recipe: Helm of the Dominator           item_recipe_helm_of_the_dominator
Helm of the Dominator                   item_helm_of_the_dominator
Recipe: Maelstrom                       item_recipe_maelstrom
Maelstrom                               item_maelstrom
Recipe: Desolator                       item_recipe_desolator
Desolator                               item_desolator
Recipe: Yasha                           item_recipe_yasha
Yasha                                   item_yasha
Recipe: Mask of Madness                 item_recipe_mask_of_madness
Mask of Madness                         item_mask_of_madness
Recipe: Diffusal Blade                  item_recipe_diffusal_blade
Diffusal Blade                          item_diffusal_blade
Recipe: Ethereal Blade                  item_recipe_ethereal_blade
Ethereal Blade                          item_ethereal_blade
Recipe: Soul Ring                       item_recipe_soul_ring
Soul Ring                               item_soul_ring
Recipe: Arcane Boots                    item_recipe_arcane_boots
Arcane Boots                            item_arcane_boots
Orb of Venom                            item_orb_of_venom
Recipe: Ancient Janggo of Endurance     item_recipe_ancient_janggo
Ancient Janggo of Endurance             item_ancient_janggo
Recipe: Medallion of Courage            item_recipe_medallion_of_courage
Medallion of Courage                    item_medallion_of_courage
Smoke of Deceit                         item_smoke_of_deceit
Recipe: Veil of Discord                 item_recipe_veil_of_discord
Veil of discord                         item_veil_of_discord

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